Mitigate Human Risk with

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Identify, assess,
and mitigate human cybersecurity risks

Threat-Driven Human-Focused Security Training

What is human-focused security awareness training?

Security awareness training is the process of educating people to understand, identify, and
avoid cyber threats. The ultimate goal is to prevent or mitigate harm—to both the organization and its stakeholders—and reduce human cyber risk.

Key benefits

  • See 40% fewer clicks in real-world email threats in six months.

  • Drive behavior change with threat-
    driven tailored content and positive reinforcement

  • Accurately identify user vulnerability so
    the security team can focus on high-risk users

  • Show the key behavioral metrics for
    risk reduction such as industry

  • Help build a security culture that reshapes people's actions and beliefs

Measure program success and user vulnerability

  • Our platform allows you to effectively measure your program’s progress over time with metrics. With Human focused Security Awareness Training, you can:

  • Can track behavior for both simulations and
real emails (even in real-time).

  • View a single dashboard that captures behavior
change and reveals user vulnerability.

  • Get benchmarks against industry peers.

User risk must be understood for security controls and awareness programs to be effective.

Cybersecurity issues frequently stem from human errors. Despite organizations' best efforts to enhance security measures and provide
staff training, a significant challenge lies in pinpointing the specific areas where employees are most vulnerable. Safeguarding them from threats and empowering them to detect and prevent attacks becomes a daunting task without identifying those in urgent need of assistance.

Industry-Leading Threat Intelligence

  • Our extensive threat intelligence strengthens your Security Awareness Enterprise. We analyze over 3 billion customer
    emails daily to help you create an effective program. With our support, you can:

  • Run realistic phishing simulations

  • Identify your most at-risk employees and train them on relevant threats

  • Monitor real-world behavior changes like reporting rates and accuracy

  • Receive timely updates on attack trends through weekly alerts
    and monthly reports.

Assess Your User Vulnerability

Evaluating your program's current status is crucial. You need to find out what your employees know about security and how they react to threats. Our Security Awareness Enterprise can pinpoint your most at-risk employees. This helps you target those who need more support, allowing you to create a program that addresses their knowledge gaps and risky actions. Our solution enables you to:

  • Use adaptive learning assessments to accurately identify knowledge gaps, and short culture assessments to uncover people’s security beliefs.

  • Incorporate real-life threats such as malicious QR codes, links, or attachments into phishing simulations to test how people might behave in an attack.

  • Apply machine learning and the NIST Phish Scale to assign the right difficulty of Leveled Phishing simulations and to continuously target user performance.

  • Analyze people’s vulnerability to attacks with reporting that identifies your Very Attacked People™ (VAPs) and top clickers.

The key takeaway? Trained people have the power.

People are an essential part of the cybersecurity question.

People need support to boost their security skills and knowledge.

Traditional security and awareness training doesn’t influence the way people act in the long term,
so it doesn’t impact risk.

Transform your employees into proactive defenders
of your digital assets.

Concentrate on real risks in your organization.

Find at-risk users in various ways: we assess their knowledge through adaptive learning tests, observe their actions during simulated social engineering attacks, and evaluate their beliefs with brief assessments.

Create real change and lasting habits.

We offer a tailored learning experience based on users' roles, weaknesses, skills, and language. Our training keeps users strong against current threats by teaching them about popular risks with our relevant content. Our platform helps build a culture of security awareness, leading many customers to achieve a 40% drop in clicks on real threats and a 90% reduction in malware infections.

Powerful integrations

Using AI-powered Threat Protection, we identify Very Attacked People and top clickers. Nexus People Risk Explorer (NPRE) measures people risk by looking at user vulnerability, attack levels, and business access, highlighting the riskiest users.

Take Full Control of Evolving Threats To Your People

View your threat landscape holistically, mapping vulnerabilities to assets with risk analysis, and prioritize remediation of business-critical threats.

How Do I Know If My Organization Needs Security Awareness Training?

According to the Ponemon Institute’s 2019 research report, 78 percent of organizations have experienced a data breach as a result of negligent or malicious employees or other insiders. Employees losing laptops or other mobile devices, mishandling of data at rest and in motion and malicious employees or other insiders are the root causes of many of these data breaches in organizations. To manage the human factor risk, organizations are turning to such enabling technologies as access governance, endpoint security management, SIEM, and security intelligence among other solutions like human-focused security awareness training.